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Monday, March 12, 2007

Testing First or New Novel Writer Software

I decided to see how the First Novel or New Novel Writer software performed. I've used such software programs before and I wanted to see how this inexpensive performed. Other than not having a search function that I could easily find, I found the software efficient for choosing genre, defining characters, places, and objects.

As for the research function I found that I could verify historical information easily online as I wrote a novelette. I particularly liked the detail that could be added to characters and places and objects as I went along. I liked bringing in a new character and then immediately use the software to define the character. I could always refer back to my character on the fly and see if his eyes were green or blurred.

The Chapter headings were great. You click on the chapter and it tells you what to put into it. It gives an example from Henry Potter. I simply read the list of details expected in the chapter and wrote the chapter.

It took one week of part time writing to produce the novelette of 17,000 words. I could flush it out in a few weeks to the word requirement for the genre I chose of 50-200,000 words.

I decided to write a detective western in the very late 1800s. It is called The Hunt for Lester Gorney a story of the hunt for a rapist murderer who preys on teenage girls but will kill anyone that get in his way.

I used Peter Ott as my protagonist who my readers (both of them) will recognize from my novels, Bull where he is not the protagonist and Revenge on the Mogollon Rim where he is the protagonist.

You can read the novelette at Go to if you do not have the free access Adobe Reader. There is no charge but please do not infringe on my copyright because I don't have the money to sue you.

I ordered the mail version of the writing software and got it in a couple of days. That despite the program was developed in England. You may have the option to download the software.

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Retired R & D Executive, College Professor, Magazine Editor, novelist. Now mainly a writer and Internet Marketer/Trainer.